About Us
Kindergym is a combination of Pilates, gymnastics and gross motor movements.
It has been designed by a teacher and occupational therapist to ensure all body movements and developmental milestones are continuously being encouraged and improved.It is a weekly 30 minute class using different apparatus which promises loads of fun.
Kindergym classes cater for ALL children, those who shy away from physical activity, and those who are naturally sporty.
Remember it is human nature not to get involved in something if you find it difficult.
Kindergym will help the child to gain confidence in his body movements, and enjoy all forms of physical activities more!
“Efficient motor control and co-ordination form the base of all intellectual activities of the human being.” (Young, 1993)
Activities through ‘play’ improve and develop gross motor skills and spatial development.
The enrichment programme has been developed by a gymnastics coach, a qualified teacher, and a Pilates instructor in consultation with an occupational therapist.